VRTC1960 Member


  • If your friend is truly your friend, her concern is that the proposed goal is too low for your height and body type. However, your doc should know plenty about that and be giving reasonable advice. That could be a perfectly appropriate weight for you if you have bones like my in-laws (tiny and light) and are not heavily…
  • Wow, I struggle with 10,000 per day - but then I know I have to do it all again tomorrow... I lost my aunt to pancreatic cancer about 12 years ago, she also was gone within a month of diagnosis. The saddest part for my mom is that both she and her little sister were nurses and KNEW the subtle symptoms that shouldn't be…
  • Oh, it's a very real struggle, and I really admire your willingness to own the emotional part of it. I can't say it will get easy, or that you will ever think you're as "hunky" as you were in those early years. But try to look around at others in your current age bracket, you might realize you are pretty ripped compared to…
  • Hey Sarah! It's been a while, I hope you're still hanging in there. Some accountability buddies we are, right? I'm doing OK (not great) with the dietary control, so I'm stepping up the movement part. I told my son I want to do 10,000 steps a day for the month of October. I'm aiming for 6,000 a day this week to build up to…
  • @CPAUTISM24 I hope you're still hanging in there! We *think* we found a reason for my mom's apparent sudden decline - an atypical response to a new medication. She seems to be doing better as the drug is eliminated from her system, but it was a rough few weeks. Also my family agreed to spell me on night-time monitoring, so…
  • See my message just above this one (I hope) about getting the steps from the website help. Worked for me, I think I invited you just now.
  • Found a better source and I think it worked! Go to the "Help" option at the top of your "HOME" page: Once there, choose the "Social Features" button, and look for the question "How do I invite a current member to be my friend on MyFitnessPal?". It give detailed directions how to do it from several different places in the…
  • I tried adding you as a friend from the mobile app, and I sent you a message in the MFP desktop app. Maybe that makes us contacts who can add each other?
  • All those words didn't help me, but I found a video on YouTube that shows the phone screen steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s4YOKtmrHU I'm going to try the same things from the "Friends" page on the desktop version. First go to the "Friends" page with the button on your Home page (see the image below)
  • Rough weekend (emotional eating to the tune of 600 extra calories of comfort food). Back on track Monday, but after lunch I have the Hungry Horrors - 10 minutes after eating I'm painfully hungry again. In theory, there is something my body needs, so I tried a fiber/fat snack of carrots and tzatziki; came right back; maybe…
  • So, it's been four weeks. I did log in and track faithfully for three full weeks (nearly four, but I stress-ate over the weekend) and I can see from the chart that my fasting glucose is definitely trending downward - the three-day rolling average is down about 20 mg/dl. I stopped monitoring my blood pressure every day, it…
  • Many people don't realize that muscle weighs more than fat. With all that strength training you listed, you are building muscle, so you might be losing fat but replacing the weight with healthy muscle so it doesn't show on the scale. Also, most people (not all) should avoid weighing every day because the ups and downs are…
  • Hello xr! Sorry to respond so late, but I am still figuring out the site and didn't know how to get the responses to show. Just figured it out this afternoon! I know what you mean about reaching for the junk food. After clamping down on my impatience with Mom the dopamine hit from junk food is so much easier than all the…
  • Hi there - I am no longer that size, but have been there and still struggling. I hit a stress-induced hiccup this year so I'm back to fighting off a bunch of previously exiled pounds. I could really use a daily accountability buddy too, so if you are still fighting and want another ally, please send a friend request!
  • @Marla86336 - I love your alliteration! Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday - can't wait to see the rest of the week!
  • I'm still figuring out these threads - I started one of my own and it says there is one comment - but I can't see it. I have done better the last few days, staying within the calorie limit but working on upping the protein and reducing the carbs (prediabetic and trying to get my A1C back below 5.5) I'm struggling with…
  • New joiner here - I've struggled with my weight since the summer I turned 13, and I'll be 63 next week. Doc says that with my metabolic syndrome I'm doing great to be just over 200, but that doesn't help much when I look in the mirror! I was doing great until a few months ago - had lost 20 lbs, was exercising fairly…
  • YOU CAN DO THIS. It is hard, believe me I know - but you need to put yesterday behind you, it can't be changed. Beating yourself up, as others have said, can make emotional eaters reach for "comfort food" (it's called that for a reason!). It's noontime here so I can't say it's a new day - but take it one eating event at a…
    in Help me Comment by VRTC1960 August 2023
  • (Jumping up and down) Me too, me too!!! I'm 62 and have been fighting my weight since the summer I turned 13. A few years ago a bariatric doc tried to tell me it's not my fault, I have a metabolic syndrome, he was amazed I didn't weigh 2-3 times what I do. I don't completely accept it - Yes, I have metabolic syndrome and…