Yup mine was due to a 12+ years of sitting on desktop with very little active lifestyle..mostly sedentry.. and also triggered by one event of an accident . But ultimately I managed to recover back to normal without any medication. I believe strengthening your core with the right nutirition is the key for long term…
Keep it simple as there's too much of information online aimed at different levels of users. Try the following 1. Skip anything white in food ( sugar etc ). 2. Protein shake twice a day 3. Aim for whole food only ( veggie fruits lean meat ) 4. 10k steps a day 5. Try to go to gym every alternate day ( this way it becomes a…
Ive had a l4 and l5 slip disk seven years back, sciatia and was on bed rest almost six months . Several doctors either said surgery or suggested physiotherapy while some suggested chiropractic. What really worked for me was the following regime 1. Absolute rest for a few months. 2. No bending or lifting anything heavy 3.…