ricky9676h Member


  • It depends on you and what you’re use to. Everyone needs some fuel to run and there are many options to get that fuel. Body gets fuel from carbs the fastest, then fats, and finally proteins. Start off with something small like 1/2 banana (carb heavy) and a table spoon of peanut butter (protein) it’s low calories still and…
  • As you see there are many programs. It really depends on your goals. If you are trying to get distance then you need volume. You will need time on the pavement to condition your body for that particular goal. If it’s speed then intensity is needed. If it’s for general health, weight loss, or simply like you mentioned, it’s…
  • If increasing your metabolic rate (burn calories) is your goal, doing a higher intensity routine with resting in between each set would be better. If increasing your Vo2 is your goal (more performance focused usually but I recommend everyone have some ploys into their program) then same. If your goal is to increased your…