Lounge around sunday
Kinda went out of order but one I had lost some
Yea I try and make him feel secure . It took me about a year to lose the weight I had gained. I tried getting him to do it with me as he has diabetes and would benefit. He has lost some but not the results I got
Thanks everyone. Yes I do see a doctor and a dietitian and they both said I’m healthy did bloodwork and everything. I guess it is he is just use to the old me
About 86 lbs down
New me down 82 lbs
230 lbs 143 lbs
I am also in the mantinance phase. So hard when I’m about to be down for back surgery just after I got where I wanted.
You look great
I’m 44 and just lost 80 lbs . It is possible with watching what I eat and not eating after a certain time. I have neuropathy in my legs and exercise is hard but I ended up using a weight loss shot which help curb food and after that just maintain how your eating . I haven’t been on it for 4 months and lost even more not…
Thank u
Thanks dr axe
Thank you