

  • I started taking free light weights to work and holding them in both hands while I do lundges down the hallway. My co-workers think im crazy but after work when we ALL go to our Zumba class together i'm not the one cramping
  • i love Zumba! I take it 4 nights a week at a local fittness studio great way to burn calories. Just be prepared to be sore the first couple of times then you don't feel it anymore! Good Luck!:drinker:
    in Zumba Comment by cotillio August 2011
  • i'm in the same boat as you girl i am also looking for someone to constiantly be on me and motivation and i know all about eating whatever. I'm on the road a lot with work so always having to grab something through the drive through but i started brining around an ice chest bag with a lunch in it, saves money and pounds.…
  • Aw after reading this I feel like I should do this for me and not someone else... I am looking for a fitness pal though if anyone is interested in sharing their stories of sucess and hints with me.:bigsmile: