Overheadfan Member


  • Well, I'm back into the routine of real life , as opposed to " holiday life" and I still haven't lost or put on any weight. I'm in stasis. It occurred to me that I feel relaxed and comfortable with my progress. Initially I was annoyed because my weight has hovered around the same mark for nearly 7 weeks. ( 4 week holiday…
  • Ok...now I can admit to you all that I was a long way short of ready to hop on the scales. I knew I was giving it Waaaay too much power so I made myself do it. But not before I had turned my brain into a guilt ridden sponge. I was already talking myself into a bad state of mind and it wasn't healthy or kind . So I weighed…
  • Thankyou for the messages. Both really resonated. I think , based on your comments, that I'll jump in ( on) and weigh as soon as I'm home. I' m going to treat it as a fact finding mission and an informative class on understanding my body . And that can't ever be a bad thing. Knowledge is power as the saying goes. Worst…
  • I'm back from holidays and ready to jump back into " normal life". Although I'm now back in a more manageable environment food wise, I'm still another 4 days away from home..and my bathroom scales. After the great fun eating occasional..well maybe more than occasional treats, and the considerable hours spent on long haul…
  • Hey everyone...big apologies for the complete mess of the " quote and reply stuff" . I always seem to muck it up but I wanted to say Yes and Yes and Yes to your posts. Oh gee...yep...nothing like a completely uncontrolled environment to mess with best laid plans. Meet the rellies with the dinner laid in front of me..check.…
  • I'm on a holiday for the next three weeks , had a long haul flights and trying to navigate the slightly scary world of food tracking whilst travelling. We're in hotels without kitchenettes so it's dining out most of the time. I'm trying to adhere to the " eggs for breakfast , no toast , salad for lunch " type plan.…
  • Oh you are so right. I read some very useful and motivating threads yesterday and it recharged my batteries. @AnnPT77 sent me a marvellous link when I first joined the community. I really rely on all of these tips and chats with other members. They provide such positive and helpful support and reinforcement.
  • I keep the " Keep going .. Reality is REAL" as a mantra in my head. :) My weightloss has stalled at 93 kilos for the last few weeks and it's frustrating , but I'm sticking to my plan and doggedly determined. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't disappointing . Consistent weightloss ,(however small , is a boost and supplies me…
  • I haven't reported in for a while, it's been a busy week and a few things happened which derailed my diet plans for a few days. I'm back in my routine now, and tracking, walking and working the program. I wanted to say thank you to you good people for the support, encouragement and advice you've given me . When I " fell…
  • :)))) Evil Cousin is welcome because if nothing else I'm using her impending visits as an added incentive to stay on track. That's juvenile and petty but I'd be lying if I said otherwise.
  • I'm happy to report that my Melbourne trip went very well, I currently weigh 93 kg, so my occasional under or over calorie intake ...coupled with the huge amount of walking, had me staying quite nicely on my weightloss path. So given that everything is going well, AND I'm losing weigh AND finding it a smooth and relatively…
  • Well , here I am in Melbourne. I have no access to kitchen scales to weigh food ..or bathroom scales to weigh myself. My calorie intake is still being tracked to the best of my ability and I have no clue how I'm going. We've been incredibly busy for the last few days , loads of walking and climbing stairs, carting loaded…
  • @AnnePT77 says it all. The simplicity and sensibility of the Calories in and Calories Out for me has been a workable and realistic approach. No bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors or endless brain noise taking up space. I love the system! The system works! I'M in charge of ME.
  • I most wholeheartedly agree with the above statement. I'm a 60 year old woman and I've had a predominantly healthy , clean eating diet for decades. . 5 weeks ago I found myself staring at the scales in the doctors surgery. Somewhere over the last decade in between eating salmon , salad and boiled eggs I'd reached the…
  • I've really enjoyed the support and encouragement from the MFP community. It is absolutely my daily " go to" for positive reinforcement and trusting the process. I'm really early into the journey ( 5 weeks now) but I feel very informed and empowered Thankyou all for your comments ..truly and sincerely appreciated . I've…
  • Ok, latest weigh in still shows that I'm holding at 95 kgs and I'm happy with that. I've kept in mind all of the advice and info from the MFP community...now I focus on my trend. And that's still heading in the right direction. Not panicking! I've graduated to my 2 kg dumbbells to strengthen my wrists after the fractures.…
  • Well done, that's really significant weightloss and a great effort.
  • Totally agree with all of the above. It has always been so surprising to me at the number of people who offer unsolicited advice or commentary about people's bodies. And don't get me wrong ..we all like a compliment ,but negative or frankly stupid remarks are just so draining and annoying. I always give people a leave pass…
  • Oh my goodness! That's so helpful. Thankyou. I realized I could bookmark discussions ...prior to that I was searching through the threads. . It's a learning curve in so many ways. :)
  • Hi to Walker306 My apologies for being ignorant about posting...I don't know how to click on your message and respond . I'll wait for my son to visit... he'll sort me out. :) All the best on your wellness journey. I'd love to read your progress over the next few months. I report in most days, make sure you say hello!
  • Thankyou all for you supportive responses. I did feel embarrassed , hurt and annoyed but just sat there pretending to be completely unaffected. Apart from the stupidity and meanness of her comment, it's just bad manners. I have never , and not would I ever, make a comment like that to anyone , or to anyone ABOUT anyone.…
  • Just have to vent....so apologies in advance for the rant.... I had a number of cousins visit , thoroughly enjoying being with them all ..but one particular cousin kept referring to me in the collective as " you fatties". As in " you fatties are so good at baking". Say what?!!! So that was embarrassing. But I smiled nicely…
  • That is a really helpful guide and I need to thank you again AnnPT77. I also realized that even though I'm losing weight slowly ( and a good 15 kgs from goal )I have suddenly found a name for the feelings I have.... " regain anxiety". It would be funny if it wasn't taking up too much of my time thinking about it. Very…
  • Thankyou! I'll check that out
  • I hit 95kg today so that felt marvellous. I know it's not huge but it reinforced the belief in the method and the path I'm on going forward. I know it won't all be smooth sailing but it given me a boost to keep tracking and moving. Our daughter starts Uni in a few weeks so we're heading across the country to get her…
  • Hi there Here's a shout out to you from Western Australia. You've got a a lot of great things as incentives..a recent health diagnosis, a brand new grandbaby and touring around with your wife. Three great motivation factors. I'm 60 years old and have 20 kgs to lose. I I am highly motivated to use this time to " future…
  • Well , my knee is on the improve and I'm walking slowly and steadily around the house getting my step count up. And staying in the aircon because it's 44 Celsius today. :) I'm four weeks out from my next weigh in at the doctor's and feeling strong and positive. Tracking my food has made me feel in control and not how I…
  • Well done. Anyone on a health and well being journey understands the frustration which you've been going through. And then the " yaaaay" moment when the positive downward scale number appears. I applaud your consistent approach and not giving up. I'm 60 so I've been on a health and wellness mission for decades ..it's all…
  • Hi Everyone I wanted to report in and tell you all that I'm still tracking my calories and heading in the right direction. I weighed in at 95.7 this morning so it's definitely proof that the slow , steady , and consistent approach is working. Thanks for the useful advice which I've appreciated and applied along the way.…
  • Righto, that really explains everything very well. Thankyou. I'm going to measure my stride length.