UsPsSlaveGirl16 Member


  • Just started today/last night. Sunday into Monday. I think I will be about 35 hours by breakfast (1030am). I will be doing 14/10. I just plan to eat smarter. Cut out processed junk. Eat more Whole Foods. Etc. Looking at it as an adventure I am 52 Menopausal Looking to lose 40ish pounds I plan to go back to lifting and yoga.
  • I see your points. I also used the newsfeed less and less due to the same issues. Oh yay1 pound down. Oh nice food. Then came the never ending ads that seem to outnumber friends posts. I get it. Thanks for the pointers. Old dogs can (albeit begrudgingly) learn new tricks 🤪. Hopefully navigation and notifications will be…
    in Hi! Comment by UsPsSlaveGirl16 July 7
  • I’ve bookmark this thread. Follow doesn’t seem to be working atm 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • . I REALLY hate they removed the newsfeed. Makes adding friends kinda lose the purpose? It’s very difficult to navigate these forums Thank you for the tips @AnnPT77
    in Hi! Comment by UsPsSlaveGirl16 July 7
  • This sucks! They just made it more difficult to communicate with others IMO. All communication is done outside the app and when you want to see a different discussion it sends you back to the app to start all over. Is it just me with this problem????