E43V15C Member


  • I donated some stuff to charity which I couldn't sell online- it's unlike me- I wanted to get some clothes altered- the place I normally go to where they don't charge much had shut down- everywhere else, when I asked it seems it's cheaper to buy new clothes :/ I have no idea why the online market so slow at the moment/no…
  • You get a thousand lashings and fined 100,000 Saudi Riyal lol
  • I think society as a whole has lost its bearings around food/weight and needs to recollect itself- give it time- maybe one day professional weight opinions will make sense/be based in reality- maybe not, I'm not going to hold my breath- don't use them as a weapon against yourself if you're that way inclined- they're not…
  • If it does, I'd have tumours growing out of my head like those people in the magazines lol- King Charles was just diagnosed w/ cancer hmm lol- I think it's luck of the draw- some people can use drugs w/ nil effects for years and carry on normally- where as others go to space/have bad trips straight away and are sworn off…
  • I like/prefer intuitive eating if I can do it- but my hunger cues are messed up/confused- I don't have any dietetic support at the moment/it's one of many things I have to do- last yr I tried but the waiting lists are long/it is expensive and public/free community clinics rejected me bc I am in the complex case/needs…
  • I've spent years thinking I didn't care what anyone else thought of me and grappling w/ whatever was said/what I interpreted or internalised- resenting/being oblivious to social norms- I think completely rejecting society can be pretty depressing/isolating- it's a normal PTSD response though- I have many…
  • Subtle telepathy has always interested me- whether it is possible- have we become subtly more psychic/sensitive to each other's thoughts/opinions collectively in the last decade- also lots of people have main character syndrome related issues- so does it cancel itself out if it is common? We're hyper-sensitive to…
  • I was doing really well/was ahead of myself w/ saving etc until.. Monday/Tuesday I think? Money has been slipping through my hands like water over the last few days :( I'm dipping into funds I usually budget/salvage for the fortnight- I still have some food/clothing items I want to buy between now and early next week- I'm…