all they need to do is add an option for unsaturated fat and salt. and if not that, the option to let users create their own input fields. it is not hard to implement at all. this app is sold in europe. we use salt and unsaturated fat on packaging. i don't care how they implement it, as long as i can add it somehow in a…
all of europe uses unstaturated fat and salt on packaging. E.g. AH (a dutch supermarket with 21,000+ products, uses it for all items): And there are more. what you did doesn't even make sense because that is an american product "McCain fries". it doesn't matter…
the end user decides for themselves what is important or not. i never said unsaturated fat had any health implications. if i want to track it, i can't because myfitnesspal doesn't have a field for it. they automatically assume that it is split in poly and mono. which is not the case. sodium is NOT salt. this is causing…