riesettk Member


  • Absolutely. I am a diabetic and have high BP (even after a 40 lb weightloss) so I feel like if I don't pre-plan/pre-cook and monitor my macros closely, I tend to make less than ideal (lazy) choices. It's a never ending task, but I too love to eat ;)
  • I was wondering this too. I am a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic trying to find my Target that sustains me properly. Still not sure my calorie goal is the right fit Dr does not have me monitoring or on meds. Quite hungry at the day's end. I keep losing weight, which is fine, but I'm trying to be in balance in all facets…
  • Welcome, I am right there with you!
  • You should be proud of your diligence. I agree that it was not easy, I was inwardly protesting giving up food I loved. I began with 16:8 intermittent fasting for a month, and that jump started my weight loss. Then was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, forcing me to cease with fasting but regrouping my plan. I agree, parting…
  • P.S. Down 30 lbs today! W00t!