kngddmbppx Member


  • I’m still trying to figure this app out but I found this! Yay!
  • Tell your wife you love her cooking and how good it tastes and how much you appreciate her. Then say you really are trying to lose weight for the trip and to look good for her and mostly to feel better for yourself and in the future then say whatever u need like… I was wondering if before you put that yummy sauce in it can…
  • I fast so my body can digest everything and it helps me with that for sure. I’ve always had digestion issues though. My body needs that time to heal. It also helps me from snacking at night so of course I eat less. If doing it just to lose weight all that matters is eating at a calorie deficit in a 24 hour period. Good…
  • I know you can stop bc if I can then anyone can! 😊
  • I cheat once a week. But cheating for everyone is different. My cheating is eating ice cream, donut, or cheesecake. Something I really like but don’t want to waste calories on other days. It helps me feel like I’m not deprived all week. And I do go over my calories by at least 1000 but I log it and the app tells me how…
    in Cheat days Comment by kngddmbppx May 17
  • I forgot to say with intermittent fasting you still need to stay within your calories for whatever goals you have.
  • I used to have that habit too. I know exactly how it feels. I started doing intermittent fasting to stop it. But that’s what works for me. Maybe keep some water in your room and only allow yourself to only get up to go to the bathroom and drink water when you wake up.
  • Hey at least you know how to comment on here. Lol! I don’t know how to reply to people with an @….. so anyway please don’t ever say useless. Nothing you say is useless. We learn by asking questions and sometimes others are glad you asked bc they also want to know but are too embarrassed to ask. Like me with the @….. haha…
  • Yes what she said and tuna
  • I like to weigh everything but I’m a little crazy too so…. 🤪
    in Apples Comment by kngddmbppx May 4
  • Hmm well I’m not an expert or anything but just from my experience I build the muscle first with the calories I need so that I have the strength to lift more weight and build muscle and then when I feel that I’m stronger or have the muscle I want then I lower my calories and still lift the same to keep the muscle but I…
  • Splenda or stevia whatever you prefer and a ripe banana. I love plain Greek yogurt! So much protein and you will get used to the taste but for now a little sweetener will help.
  • I boil eggs for snacks
  • Hi everyone I just joined last week to be a part of a group that encourages each other to be healthy and fit. Also to have something other than a notepad to keep track of my nutrients and calories. Lol! I look forward to being a part of a group that motivates and encourages each other. Thanks
  • It sound like you already have low body fat so I think it shouldn’t be too hard to get the abs you want. In my opinion I think your calories are too low for all the exercise you are doing. Maybe add 300 calories with mostly protein? Maybe a protein shake that’s about 300. I’ve been going to the gym since I was 18 but I…