Dontkillbill1509 Member


  • The most surprising thing I found that was negative ... My identity was the "big guy" and now its just Bill looking a little more jacked than a few months ago.. I am retired now so my identity is tied to being alive and well :)
  • I am 57 and restarted weight training after retiring. I never really deadlifted before and well some say I don't as I am using the trap bar with the high handles but I am enjoying it. It actually started after I was doing farmers carries with the dumbells and wanted more weight the gym owner said try the trap bar next…
  • IN the last 2 months I have found that a protien shake 1 percent milk and whey protien (230 cals) has been helpful. I would go skim but I think the extra fat help alittle with sleeping and I do loose a bit of sleep as I wake up hungry. I used to eat 1000-2000 after 8 pm it was very distructive physically and mentally.
  • I find a protien shake helps with the cravings and gives me a treat for under 200 calories. Tonight it saved me from cheating. I like the idea of cheating but staying with in my calorie limit. Cheese burgers no fries... THen back to the salmon :) I have fallen off more diets so I wish it was easy to say just keep going!
  • I love eggs for breakfast or any meal actually. They help me lower my a1c and my cholesteral numbers are good.