Yes! I just turned 50 and wanted to change my body composition, heal my kidneys, and avoid diabetes. I also have Lipedema, and keto/carnivore seems to help some ladies with that. Going in, I imagined eating this way would be so difficult. I only planned to do it for a week. I am still at it after a month because I feel so…
You’re right, it is a lot. I lived it, but I’m back and that is a good thing.
125 g seems like a lot. Did your doctor specify whether the proteins should be exclusively high quality (from animals)? Did your doctor assume you would be eating a mix of high quality and low (from plants) quality proteins? Maybe try getting your protein from animal sources. The fats that come along with proteins help the…
For me, nothing worked until I cut the carbs almost down to zero and replaced them with saturated fats from meat and protein from animal products. I feel so much better without the fruits, vegetables, grains, and seed oils. This will be my way of eating forever. I will never go back to eating plants.