AF_Brat Member


  • AF = 10 A = 9 I had 1 drink with dinner Thursday, feeling good about having just the one! Last night I went a bit overboard with friends over, but today is a new day. Gonna veg with a movie and tea. @MissMay the AF is for Air Force - My dad served for over 20 years, and I've lived in the UK, Alabama, Louisiana (living on…
  • Having a busy week with my mom in town, drank a bottle of wine with her on Sunday evening :# , and had 3 drinks last Saturday night after my beach walk :) . Stayed AF during the week so far. Every AF free day counts! AF = 10 A = 7
  • So I haven't had a drink since Saturday night, which is a great/sightly weird feeling. Going into the weekend always stresses me out, but I'm trying to stay in the moment. It's my choice, not that calendar's right?? Going on a day trip tomorrow and want to wake up strong so I can enjoy the shore and a beach walk. Having a…
  • I'd love to join the group - had a rough time limiting the A this past holiday weekend, and I don't want to totally derail my goals! Summer is hard b/c you feel like you should be relaxing... same with holidays and weekends :D JULY 2024 AF = 4 A = 5