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SurferGirl1982 Member


  • @forestdweller1 I can't imagine our liquor store delivering. Our store usually only has two people working at a time. Do you have actual liquor stores in PA? Or just delivery? I would imagine there would be a minimum order for delivery? I had a friend that had MS and got to where she was having trouble caring for herself.…
  • Good morning again! I've only had 1 AF day this month. And I drank the last two days of August. Not good ☹️ It's just after 10 am and I just had a thought about alcohol. Thinking about how long I have to wait to start drinking (I like to wait until 3 or 4 pm). That's how my days were before my streak last month. I told my…
  • I used to live in California where liquor sales are normal like in Phoenix. Until I moved to Oregon in my mid-30's, I had no idea that some states had state-run liquor stores. I now realize that other states do this as well. I've always been upset about the liquor store situation here. Even though I'm trying to cut down on…
  • There does seem to be a trend towards "Not Drinking". That's a good thing! For most of us that are older, everything revolved around alcohol. Alcohol does affect so many things in our bodies.
  • @xbowhunter I admire your strength and determination. Give me a week or two and maybe I'll be able to hop on that train also (as long as it's not moving too fast!) 😀
  • @xbowhunter I wasn't able to watch the whole podcast. But I saved it to YouTube. I don't know if I can watch parts of it and resume where I left off? I've have the attention span of a rock 😁 So, you're going for the full 90 days? Sounds good! I hope to be able to join you soon 🙂
  • @Michelle9912 I originally thought, "Yeah, I'm in!" But I'm currently rethinking my Less Alcohol strategy since I've been struggling this month. I was thinking more of a LA approach (to get me started) rather than total abstinence. Although, as most people in this group know, I have a problem with moderation. I'm thinking…
  • @SparkSpringtime69 I think it's best for me to just read the posts and post my days from time to time. But not announce my intentions ahead of time. It just causes a big let down. When I decided to cave last night, I actually felt bad because I had told @chicbuc that I was going to be AF that night. She was going to try to…
  • Wow! I couldn't quote you prices of beer and wine right now. But I think the 750 ml bottle of Black Velvet is $11.95 (no sales tax in Oregon). I haven't bought a 750 ml bottle since the end of July or the beginning of August. So, I guess I have cut down some 🙂
  • @globalhiker I already did my tapering when I was drinking a fifth (750 ml) or more of Black Velvet a day. My biggest problem was saving some for the morning so I wouldn't be sick. This went on for months. I couldn't even drive to the store (too panicky). My husband would go for me. He would leave a couple of minutes…
  • @KarinSanden Welcome to the group! When we drink regularly our bodies build up a tolerance. So we can drink more and feel like we didn't have anything to drink at all. When you drastically cut down your consumption of alcohol, you're tolerance went down. That's why you get drunk so easily now ☹️ We all experience it!
  • I've decided not to post my AF intentions on this thread anymore (I will wait until I have a successful day). I had planned on an AF day today. But I caved. At around 6:30 pm I went to the liquor store. Mainly because the liquor store closes in this back*kitten*wards state at 7 pm (5 pm on Sundays). Some people aren't even…
  • @shorepine Your post was very insightful and inspiring! I don't think you wasted an alcohol day on Saturday. Afterall, it was the first game of the fall season. And, if I had to be out there chasing all those kids around, I probably would have broke out the margaritas before I had even left the field 😁 Your comment on the…
  • @chicbuc I'm in too! Monday - Friday AF! We can do it 😀 @SparkSpringtime69 You know that I'm one of those gals that doesn't do moderation well. I can't have alcohol in the house in the morning either because I will go out and get more to go with it! You should join @chicbuc and I and go this Monday - Friday AF. Mind over…
  • Hi Everyone, Well, I wasn't successful again today. I do have an excuse though. But it's not a very good one 😁 So for September: AF - 1 A - 14 Believe it or not, a few years ago, that would have been a major accomplishment for me. There were years in the past that I didn't have an AF day for the entire year. I think I need…
  • Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I had alcohol in the house in the morning. I usually pour any leftovers down the drain the night before. After yesterday I remember why I started doing that. My day was not very pleasant or productive. I'm sure there's people out there that can have alcohol in the house and…
  • @globalhiker You're doing really well 🙂 Unfortunately I've been a bit of a mess 😕 I hope to have the strength and/or motivation that you obviously have. I do believe I will!
  • @RubyRed427 We seem to have similar drinking patterns. I also admire those that can have just a few and then it's all good! I've been drinking for years and have been making all sorts of rules (as you do) for so many years. But I can't stick to those rules. Wouldn't it be nice if we could? I've also poured out a lot of…
  • @looneycatblue I actually asked my husband to go to the store this morning and get more because I just cannot stop midstream. But tomorrow I will have nothing. I'm not yet at the point where I will have physical issues stopping cold turkey. It is going to happen tomorrow. I want to get back to feeling good in the morning…
  • I realize that most of your goals are to drink "Less Alcohol". Which is probably fine for most people. But I have to be honest with myself. I am not most people! Moderation just doesn't work for me. Many of you have read some of my posts. But some of you are new or returning to this thread. For those that didn't read my…
  • I'm not sure if you need the premium version or not. But I just clicked on the "Exercise" tab on the home page. And it has a search box or an arrow to select a workout. Orangetheory was listed. I personally have not started entering my exercise yet. So I don't know much about it. If you see the exercise tab, click on it.…
  • @SparkSpringtime69 Thank you! Tinker got her new food today and enjoyed it. So much so that she's currently napping 😺 We gave her her first dose of the new medicine this morning with no problem. But I had to mix it in some wet food. It's honey flavored and the tech at the vet clinic showed me a video of a cat just licking…
  • @forestdweller1 That was very cute 🙂 Give Catpuccino a paws up for me 😺
  • @SparkSpringtime69 Thanks...I'm not giving up! I just need a little break. Four weeks ago, we took our cat to the vet for just a regular checkup. She had lost some weight and the vet was a bit concerned. So we had them do blood and urine tests. You're probably wondering how they collect the urine? Well, they gave her a…
  • @Michieb125 I forgot to mention, I really don't care for AA. But, my oldest cousin was involved in it for many years. And he was successful. But another reason I wouldn't want to attend meetings here. Is that the town I live in has a population of only 7,000. That would be really uncomfortable for me. There's a larger town…
  • @chicbuc, @Michieb125 Thanks for the support. I will keep trying! I've been drinking for a very long time myself. I schedule an email in the evening to be sent to myself the next morning. The one I will be receiving shortly has in the subject line: "No Drinking for 21 Days (The Rest of September)". It originally said, "No…
  • @Womona I think re-reading my posts from last month would be a good idea. I really was on a roll! I met my husband about 20 years ago. We were both going through similar situations. Basically, we were both homeless. He was in a VA facility and I was living in a motel in Southern Oregon (the Rogue Valley). I was working…
  • @Alatariel75 I do believe that is what's happening. I'm thinking too much about it. Normally I would think I need something else to do to occupy my mind. But I have plenty of projects and chores. And "Thank You" I appreciate your support. @Michieb125 Thank you for your support also. I do have a list of why I want to quit.…
  • I eat Fage plain Greek yogurt. A 5.3 oz container has 16 grams of protein. I know plain yogurt is tart. But, either the Fage isn't as tart or I gotten used to it. Sometimes I add 70 grams of frozen blueberries (slightly defrosted in the microwave) and 14 grams of finely diced walnuts. I've recently switched to 0% because I…