Grubfam4 Member


  • Take care of your fatty liver issue asap! I didn’t and mine turned into cirrhosis of my liver! No one told me when I was disgnosised with fatty liver that it would lead to cirrhosis! Lose weight! Exercise every single day. I’m on a transplant list now. Very expensive diagnosis that fatty liver! Careful
  • My husband and I use Tovala meals for our late afternoon meal. We are both 65, are children are grown. Tovala is a great way to use a meal delivery system. I get 10 meals a week. Dinner after work. Portion control, delicious food, very easy and the best part for me, no post meal clean up of pots, pans, dishes. Good food,…
  • We use Tovala for meal delivery. It is our dinner meal. Ten meals for the week costs between 175 and 200 depending on food choices. They send you the oven and deliver meals once a week. Best thing I ever did! It’s just my husband and I these days and I never have to worry about “ what’s for dinner”. No clean up, we use…