JMSablan Member


  • @Walton2206 Oh my gosh same here I would be in tears thinking I was having a heart attack telling my husband I am having trouble breathing and my chest was so tight it was very uncomfortable. I was in an out of the Dr office going to different specialist seeing a cardiologist getting all kinds of blood work done for years…
  • @esmall1831 I have been doing well so far I dropped a decent amount of weight. It’s difficult where I live to get quality food so grocery shopping is a process our stores don’t have the best fresh ingredients so I do what I can with what’s available. Some days I do have urges to cheat but I remember the pain it causes and…
  • @springlering62 wow that was a journey I can tell it was traumatic. Praise God that you are in a much better and healthier place. I commend you for your perseverance your strength. It’s incredible 6 years wow that gives me hope that this to shall pass with changes and commitment to a better self awareness in my choices…