balmonte167 Member


  • 1. Physical activity is all movement that happens at any given time 2. Some benefits are lower risk for diseases and better energy levels. As well as lower risk for things like obesity and lower issues with weight. As well as building strength which can help with building muscle which can make you physically fit 3. Better…
  • This article discusses how to exercise if you want to improve yourself. For example, you can improve weight management by exercising five times weekly. There are also ways to improve cardiovascular health by doing 150 minutes of cardio with moderate intensity or 75 minutes of intense intensity. Children can also work out…
  • I agree with the statement in the article. Social media is an addiction, and I can see it in my behavior. The reason why I agree with the statement made in the article is because I have personally struggled with social media addiction and have spent hours upon hours on apps like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. I feel like…