Lumens Member


  • I'm already your friend! But I would like to post in support! You're a great inspiration!
  • I'd like to start this as well! I'm in! I did it a year ago, and I was in the best shape of my life. But then I stopped, and I want to get back into it!
    in P90X Comment by Lumens January 2013
  • I'm currently 137, and taking it one pound at a time. My set goal is 130, but I'm not sure I'll go down that low.
  • Good luck everyone on your first P90X day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RLW0930: Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • First day of P90X was great! I'm doing the lean program. I think it incorporates more what I'm looking for!!! I did Shred 30 a few months ago, and got results and enjoyed it, but I didn't like doing the same exercise day after day. I think the PX90 will be more up my alley. And I'm enjoying the longer workouts too! Guess…
  • I just started P90X today, so I'm one day early! But still... Looking forward to being part of this group! I'm a marathon runner but on Maternity leave until January so looking for something to do while babe is sleeping. I've lost all my pregnancy weight, now I'm just looking for that rockin' bod!