katyrrell Member


  • 1. My goal is to be 130 from 135 by March 19th 2. I weighed 130 before Christmas but I started dating someone, which has involved a lot more dining together. I originally lost 15 pounds without trying in the last year because I got a divorce. LOL! It's always a man's fault. :) I also quit smoking in the last few weeks so…
  • I went a little nuts on the carbs the last two days, so I'm trying to flush my system. I don't have time for a ton of exercise so I'm going the clean eating route. So far today I've eaten 2 clementines, a spinach, tomato and blue cheese salad, an apple, and a hard boiled egg. Hoping to fit in a run tonight. Feeling pretty…
  • 1) 37 2) SW: 145, CW: 135 3) Goal weight till 31.7.2014: 125 4) Approach - 1200 + or - depending on workouts. - try to eat mostly veggies and lean protein - yoga once a week. Run with my doggies sometimes 2x/day before and after work. Since the weather has been so cold and snowy and the streets so slick I've been slacking…