Crazydog98 Member


  • You're right about the fat. Just choose a good fat. I eat a teaspoon of peanut butter, or a handful of almonds when I am starving. It helps me hang on to my hunger until I can finish making dinner, or just before I do a walk or run. Just keep the calories in mind. I also sometimes saute veggies in a bit of olive oil. Not a…
  • I used to have this problem everyday. But now it is gone. The trick was to avoid ANY sugar, flour or simple carbs. Having some sugar in my tea, or a candy, or anything with white flour causes a spike in your blood sugar. Later in the day it drops and you are left craving something sweet. Also I found that eating high fiber…
  • At 34 you are young enough that your skin probably has a fair amount of elasticity. Have you ever watched the Biggest Loser? Those people start out even heavier than you (or I) and after losing huge amounts of weight fairly quickly, they look pretty good with minimal sagging. That's because for the most part they are young…