ZUMBA!!!! =) I also really enjoy swimming!
When I first became a vegetarian I had a similar problem. I even GAINED weight in the first couple of months of the switch...ALL I ate was bread and pasta! Now, going on 4 years of being a vegetarian, I've learned to just eat more fruits and vegetables when I'm hungry and try to stay away from extra servings of bread...and…
I can't agree more!!!! Swimming is my absolute favorite workout! Its super easy on the joints AND works out every single part of your body! And you can get a good cardio workout in too! =)
HOLY COW! You look amazing! Keep up the good work! =) p.s. I Love the Doctor Who in your Ticker.
Fiber and Yogurt should be your best friends! =)
I"d say its just normal soreness. Try to up your protein intake to help repair your muscles quicker and don't work those your arms for a few days... However, if it doesn't go away within a few days, then I could go to the doctor. Better safe than sorry! =)
I french braid my bangs back into my ponytail so I don't have to worry about them. I've tried every single type of headband imaginable but they always always always fall off when I'm running, So I learned a different method. However, my face does get red when I workout....It used to bother me, but at this point I just…
Your story just breaks my heart! I will definitely send my prayers your way! "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4
For real?! I heard that putting milk in tea caused the chemical makeup to change and that's why the antioxidants were deactivated, but I didn't know sugar/sweeteners did the same thing! Sad day!
- Best. Link. Ever. =)
Same here! kind of...I am in college too! I have never been thin, but I gained a lot of weight (about 15 pounds) last year in my semester abroad in the beautiful Athens, Greece. Since then I have tried and failed and tried and failed to lose weight, but I think it's actually clicking this time and part of the reason is…
I am 5'11" and I weigh 202lbs....currently I'm a size 14, but I would LOOOOOVE to be in a 10. My goal weight is 170. =) p.s. I love this group. I always feel out of place because I'm so tall, but this is the perfect place to compare goals!