

  • Wow, thank you guys! It's looking like I'm going to make the transition to online bill pay through my bank...and I think I'll look into opening an account at a credit union as well... I appreciate all the replies!
  • Whoops, not sure how to individually reply...I bank with Suntrust and have been for the last 6 years. Never used their online bill pay before last month. I always just go to each site (about 7 of them). Seems like it would be a lot easier to go to one and pay everything from there....
  • Comcast has the first day on their fitness channel and it kicked my butt. For someone just getting into exercising again, it was too much for me. I have found TONS of other videos that aren't as intense but still give me a great workout. Or, just do day one over and over again until you feel you're ready for day two! (It's…
  • I agree with the snacks and the water. I eat breakfast early (between 6:30 and 8:00), have a mid-morning snack at about 10:30, and lunch at 12:00. Having that mid-morning snack of fruit and/or yogurt always holds me over until lunch time and I don't eat as much for lunch. And I keep a large bottle of water next to me and…
  • If the stepmom is providing part of his insurance, then really you are just paying the stepmom back for what she is paying per month to cover your son. Sounds like $17.50 is a fair reimbursement, especially considering how much it costs to cover dependents. I have 3 kids and 2 exes so I've been through my share of crap. I…