Just got back from the doctor again this week. He has now put me on a Byetta shot twice a day. Has anyone else done these shot.? Since MOnday I've lost 10 lbs but that might just be my scale.
Weighed in this morning. Lost one lb...slow and steady wins the race!
Hi Everyone, I just recently got married and gained 20 lbs over the last two months between the wedding, honeymoon, thanksgiving, and Christmas! I am so disappointed in myself for letting my body go. My doctors have told me that I cant' think about having children until I lose at least 30 lbs. So I am becoming healthy for…
So I just bought the 30 day shred! You need to be a spokesperson for Jillian!:tongue:
My trainer makes us eat some sort of protein a hour before working out. If I don't eat prior to working out I can't make it.
I would write to the company and see if they can start selling them there. They are delish! Good luck on your search.
Hi, I am on my fifth day on this site and I love it! I have already lost a pound. Welcome!
When back to the doctor today and he feels pretty confident that with the metformin, exercise, and high protein diet he believes I will be okay. He did tell me that pregnancy will be very difficult but it is possible. Thanks for your support and knowing that I am not the only one is comforting.
Thank you so much!
I have been put on Metformin about a month ago but have seen any changes yet. Surgery....didn't realize that was option.
Oh geez! I didn't know that picture would show up!:sad: