i just think of how bad il feel all day and how bad i feel about myself it soon puts me off, i just take my own snacks to work or have a filling breakfast so the thought of eating them just makes me feel sick
id probs eat it and then try and burn it off or eat half and then just do extra exercise i now its bad but hey its ice cream. or even better just have one huge meal of ice cream for the day :tongue:
seeds you can get these ones in syryp there my chocolate replacement sweet enough :tongue:
these dam things seems like im never going to get rid of them ill just try losing more weight and toning them off
any one no a good exercise for getting rid of these things......?????
hang in there chick your doing amazing and about the pants fitting and shirts not thats might just be down to having wicked nockers :D just keep going youl get there think positive
whay hey 2 pounds lost !!!
thank you :D
joined yesterday and think this site is awsom already!!!
thats the best idea ever chers:) !!!!!!!!!! im sure my fella will enjoy that to
chers ill check it out
Anyone have a tip to stop craving the yummy treat???
i only joined today ut i lost loads of weight in the summer but unfortunatly put it back on but when i lost my weight i took adios diet pills they really help they speed up your motablism, you take one befor every meal and the also help to keep you full