

  • I like the idea of posting on the group weekly ! I know that my hardest time is while I'm premenstrual. I'm working on intaking more water and preparing my meals in advance. As fot the question on how I decided my ideal weight.... I chose the lowest weight I have been. right now I'm at 274.2 and looking to lose 100 lbs,…
  • I believe support is what is going to make me successful as I work towards a healthy lifestyle. Good luck in your journey. Let's encourage each other.
  • I will be 50 in May 2015. My goal is to be able to bike ride with my son who is now 7. I want to be healthy and enjoy life with him.
  • I have been yo young with my weight for 7 years(after the birth of my youngest child). I've had a difficult time staying focused on healthy living because I tend to stay down once I've fallen. I've never been "skinny" but always healthy. This past year I've found myself less flexible, out of breathe and with constant leg…
  • I'm trying this again. I need some friends to help keep me on track. My ultimate goal is to lose 150+. But for this first week my goal is to increase my water intake and to log my food daily. Please feel free to friend me. I know we can do this together.