ebamiller Member


  • Hi Sharilyn! I've been on MFP a while but I'm new to the message boards. I'm also looking for motivation buddies. I'll add you! I've never been thin, but I have been a lot healthier in the past. I've gained a lot of weight over the past 2 years and I am now ready to get rid of it for good! When I was younger (I'm only…
  • Hi! I'll add you! I'm new to the boards and I definitely would like to develop a support system. That's really impressive that you've lost 40 lbs so far! Seeing how much other people have lost encourages and motivates me. Sometimes I feel like I will never be able to reach my goal weight, but seeing other people's journeys…
  • Hi Jade! I'm new too, well, kinda. I've been off an on MFP for a while but I'm new to the message boards. I've tried losing weight without accountability buddies, but I've had a problem staying motivated and focused. I really think the MFP community/MBs will really help with accountability. I'll add you and hopefully we…