

  • Lets do this folks! I have managed to do 5 days of 30 day shred, one yoga class and lots of walking. I'm overhauling my eating drastically (while I didn't think it was so bad before I wasn't losing any weight) so I better start seeing some changes on the scales over the next week. I am getting a bit discouraged so good to…
  • Really great to read up on everyone's progress. I just reported in gomi that I manned up and did 30 day shred this morning. Yeay! And I just started logging my food here so hopefully I'll keep that up. Kind of depressing to see my old status of 11lbs lost. That's pretty much what I need to lose again. But I did have a baby…
  • Hi. I'm Genki in the forums'
    in Welcome! Comment by whelanfm August 2013
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