

  • I have 3 kids (ages 10, almost 4, and 7 mos.) This was me at my heaviest (nonpregnancy) weight. March 2010, around 223lbs. This was Jan 2011 @ 17wks pregnant. I was around 210ish here? I'm thinking. And this was Jan 2012 at 188lbs. Still a long way to go. My short term GW is 165 by my daughter's first birthday (July 13th).…
  • That would probably work. If it's too thin, you can always drain some of the liquid after it's cooked. Did you cook the pasta before adding it? Or was it dry pasta? I see that the recipe calls for cooked pasta.. if you accidentally put it in dry, that would have a HUGE effect on how much liquid you need. I've totally made…
  • I've not tried that recipe (looks yummy though!) Did you add the chicken broth? It does seem like that's a lot of 'dry' ingredients to not have water listed as an ingredient. I'd probably add a couple of extra cans of chicken broth instead of water, so that it doesn't lose any flavor. Generally when I make a soup in the…
  • I LOVE my slow cooker!! I too was skeptical about using it, as we live in a (rented) house with older wiring.. but I finally did start using it.. and it works perfectly with no issues! Pop your meal in there in the morning, and your dinner is ready when you get home from work!! I haven't used it in a while though.. I…
  • Try adding lemon slices! I like plain water.. but if I go to a resturant, I'll order lemon with my water. Also the crystal light packets are pretty good too! Good luck!