

  • I sort of took off over the holidays. When I started tracking agian Monday I was at 247 today 244 so it is going well but I gained about 5 lbs over the holidays, ugh. I am excited to be back on track again!
  • 11/21- 243.8 11/28- 242 12/09- 242.2 Weight left to lose to be considered "no longer obese"- 44.9
  • I think it would be great to leave it alone. I have two other groups I am in and enjoy the fact that I only have to weigh in twice a week. Haha unless it's Friday!:wink:
  • I didn't realize that there is a Tool here that tells you exactly what weight you need to be to be Overweight. I was going off charts I had googled and was guessing 190 lbs however this tool says 197.3. I think I am going to shoot for that so I will get my self-esteem boost a bit earlier than planned! 11/21- 243.8 11/28-…
  • I am not sure what day we are supposed to weigh in however, As of Sunday Current Weight 244.4 Weight to no longer be obese - 190 If I am posting this wrong please let me know.
  • Hey All - Sorry for not posting till today I left my computer behind when I went home. Starting Weight 245 Sunday Weight 244.4 Not so terrible since it was Thanksgiving, I was however at 243.8 Thursday morning. I had a very lazy three days after Thanksgiving. Amelia
  • NAME: Amelia Current Weight: 245 Weight to be no longer obese: 190 Deadline date: June 1, 2012 Reason you want to be no longer obese: Mainly Health reasons, I do not want to develop Diabetes. I am also right on the border with plus size clothes and would really like to be back in what makes me feel pretty.
  • HI - I am new to the whole weight loss site. I am currently 245 and would like to lose at least 10lbs by Christmas! I hope this will keep me accountable!
  • HI! My name is Amelia, I signed up for this site a long time ago and then installed the app on my new iPhone a few days ago completely forgetting that I had an account from an earlier time. I find the app very useful especially with the barcode scanner, it has been a helpful tool and I am excited to keep monitoring what I…