

  • Love the panda video!
  • I agree about the library being a great source! Also, there are free workout videos on-line. You can also look on other free sites for ideas. You have plenty to start off with so don't be discouraged! :-) You can do this!
  • I also think it depends on the instructor. I have seen instructors who easily would have people burning in the the higher range. That being said, it is all about effort. Some will put so much more effort into the class, others won't. I like spinning because my back is broken and it's hard to find many things I can do. :-)
  • I spin as well. The gym I attend posts that the spin class can burn anywhere from 400-500 calories. This, of course, is just a general guideline. Let me know what you find out! :-)
  • Hi, I just joined last night! How exciting that you've been doing this for almost 2 weeks! How are you doing? Good luck!
    in Hello Comment by munchkinlkc August 2011