mazaron Member


  • Ok, Lila, I said "Jingle Down Main" sounds like a really fun event, and it probably is, but perhaps not for the person responsible for organizing it! :noway: Lights out, security systems on when they should be off and off when they should be on. Sheesh. At least it wasn't raining. It sounds like your major events will be…
  • Hello all, I am delighted to be able to settle down on the couch and spend a Sunday morning with you! :drinker: It has taken me two cups of coffee to get caught up. The staff party/Christmas Murder Mystery went perfectly last night.:flowerforyou: One of the guests commented that we spent four hours together and didn’t talk…
  • Thursday again! :noway: How did that happen????? :laugh: I have been doing well with goal #3 – I am reading two (or three) books in the morning, one of them is Susan Cain’s book “Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”. It’s fascinating, and as an introvert myself, I am enjoying the reassurance…
  • I must get in a quick hello before I go busy...busy in the kitchen. I am cooking (volunteered) for the staff Christmas party this Saturday. It's at my house, so what the heck. I can produce better food at $10 / person than we can get from a caterer or take-out place, and I enjoy doing it. Tonight I'm putting together…
  • Hello all, I have been following posts on my iPad, but have not been able to reply because...well, J'Boy, bless his heart, has buggered my computer (spilled a bowl of cereal on the keyboard) so access is limited and unstable. We shall see how things progress. One of the great things about DH is that he's an electronics…
  • Good Thursday morning, everyone It's "Pajama and stuffies" day at school today. That means we can all go to school in our PJ's carrying our favourite stuffed toys. Since I only have one pair of winter pajama pants, and I don't really want to wear them for a night and a day straight, :noway: I'll borrow DH's housecoat and…
  • Wonderful Wednesday! :happy: What’s up for today? Circuit class tonight :explode: I skipped last week because my back was bothering me. Now, I am just about, almost, nearly 5’1” tall. How can I have a bad back? It’s just silly. Tall people get back problems. I am getting better now. So, circuit class tonight. Since I don’t…
  • Hello dearies, Back to the Mac – so I can send you all messages and chatter. Some of you will remember me posting about the things I was doing to try and get the students who are uncomfortable with themselves physically up and moving this term. At the beginning of September we did a fitness assessment (wall sits, push ups,…
  • Good Monday morning! Working from the iPad again, so won't try to reply to your posts. I have read everything though, and do enjoy keeping up with your news. I don't think I've posted since Thursday... Thursday night was curling, our regular skip was away and we got decimated by the other team, a true wipe out of a…
  • Hello all, A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US of A! :drinker: :love: I took a day off circiut training yesterday. Went to the Dr about a strange bump that's growing on my wrist. :grumble: "That's a ganglia," she said, "nothing to worry about unless it starts to hurt. However, that cold that won't…
  • Hello all, Ha! I have my computer back this morning, but there were moments :grumble: I got up and it was not on the counter in the kitchen. J’boy and I have a deal, he can use it in the evenings but it must be there in the morning so I can log on to MFP, etc. I was just rehearsing how I was going to wake him up when I…
  • Hello, all I am posting from an iPad, not my preference because I can't run a word document along side and keep track of comments I want to reply to. J'boy, bless his heart, did something to reset the settings on my Mac, and it won't log on to the Internet w/o a password. He invented the password for our home wireless, so…
  • Hi ho, Friday, fabulous fun day. What else is Friday? Fantastic. :happy: Today I take a routine break from my routine - every Friday J'boy and I go to the Tim Horton's drive through for breakfast (though they stopped carrying the egg salad sandwich I used to get, so now I have to find another high nutrition-low(ish)…
  • Hello all, Circuit workout last night was great, we did some new moves with medicine balls and bosu balls. :explode: Hip-hopping about. My students were very lethargic yesterday :yawn: I think four days off was long enough to get into holiday mood and not long enough to want to get back into the routine! I got them to go…
  • Hello all, Glad to be back into my regular morning routine. This will be a short week at school, only two days of regular classes. The student teacher has finished her two week practicum, so I have "my" students back. I will celebrate by getting busy with their fall reports! A new circuit class starts tonight, I wonder…
  • I am using an iPad tonight so can't run my usual side-by-side text and MFP posts at the same time so cannot reply to you all. Just wanted to send smiles to all. Thanks for being here! Haystack pronto, Nancy
  • Yes, Lila, Remembrance Day gets me too. We are in Spokane, so missed the cenotaph service but did have school services on Friday. My Dad is a Korean War vet & both grandfathers served in WW One, so I have lots to think about when the moment of silence comes. We could spot the Canadians in Spokane today by their poppies. I…
  • Hello all, Oh happy Thursday! It was the last session of the circuit class last night (though a new round begins next week) and the trainer figured she’d show us “how far we’ve come”.:explode: Oh me oh my, I can feel it this morning! Hope it does not affect my curling tonight. After many years of curling with a very casual…
  • Hello all, Hi ho, off we go! :happy: I finished the first stage of New Rules of Lifting for Life yesterday :explode: felt like a hero. Will start stage 2 next week after we return from our jaunt to Spokane. Tonight is my circuit class – that’s always a killer. Most of the other participants are teachers from my school, so…
  • Hello all, I took a day off school to nurse a bad cold & sore throat :yawn: lost track of MFP posts as well. Back to school today – so lucky to have dependable teachers on call to fill in for me when I can’t be in the classroom. I have the student teacher too, so perhaps I can call on her to narrate if I loose my voice. To…
  • Oh Happy Day! My big window is still black with night, so I don’t know what the weather is doing, but it’s still a happy day. :smile: It’s warm inside and I have my coffee ready to go. October resolutions, recap: Try a new class at the Rec Center – I did not make it to a new class,:grumble: but I did start curling, so that…
  • Oh, Wonderful Wednesday! Oh Halloween…a day of minor chaos at school. :noway: I won’t say utter chaos, because that would be untrue, they will sit for a few minutes during math lesson with the student teacher.:laugh: I made them “snakes in the sand” (rice chrispie squares with gummie worms) and scabs and gore (blue corn…
  • Good Morning, East Coasters, I hope you’re all OK this morning. What a smackeroo of a storm! Well, I have my coffee & I'm ready for my morning gossip with with the girls. Student teacher ran a good math lesson, and the grade 7's were in good form. I will be able to do some one-on-one tutoring while she's at work, so that…
  • Welcome to a new week! :flowerforyou: Monday, Monday. A new experience for me begins this week, I have a student teacher working with me. She’s been observing in the classroom a few times, today she starts teaching some of the lessons. Next term (after Christmas) she will gradually take over until she’s teaching full time.…
  • Happy Saturday! :happy: My big window is framed with yellow maple leaves and the clouds are resting on the valley floor, it must be fall. It’s a day off from the gym for me, but I think leaf raking is on the agenda so I will have a reason to wear my HRM. I am having a very exciting time with my new blender. :love: It’s an…
  • Thursday! Yesterday's circuit training was tough, and fun. :explode: I'm debating about doing my weight lifting routine today, before curling, or tomorrow, after school. I think, just think, my body might appreciate a rest day. We shall see. Thursday school day begins with PE, I'll get my heart rate going a bit there too.…
  • Wednesday, Wednesday... Hmm, what's up today? J'boy has band practice, I have a circuit class. Students are working on identifying and re-stating the main idea in non-ficiton text (Canada's fur trade history). I get a prep block this afternoon, which is a good thing. DH is off across the mountains to a meeting he thinks…
  • Happy Tuesday, :happy: The sirens are screaming outside on the main street, I hope everyone’s OK. There’s snow on the mountain passes, and folks have to remember how to drive in winter conditions. I have re-started New Rules of Lifting for Life and me-oh-my-oh it feels good! :explode: I get a kick out of feeling strong and…
  • Good morning all, The Australian themed dinner was lots of fun (we pretended the chicken was kangaroo meat)! :laugh: Now I have to get myself fired up for work. Gym class first thing - my grade 7 fitness day. :ohwell: That should get the body moving and the brain sparking. Best wishes and kind thoughts to you all, enjoy…
  • Happy Sunday! Today is the first meeting of our dinner club for the winter season. :happy: We don’t usually meet on a Sunday afternoon, but last night the comedian Lorne Elliot was performing in town (it’s a Canadian thing) and since most of the dinner club had tickets we decided to postpone the dinner. The theme is…