jenjuneauhaupt Member


  • WOW this is super motivating! And I see an Orange Theory shirt. :o) Love that place. I just started going a couple months ago and I'm hooked!
  • How are you liking that? My friend who is helping me start the 21DSD does keto too and loves it. She's lost like 60+ pounds doing it.
  • I got engaged in April of last year and we have a longer engagement - our wedding is this December - and yep LOL, I'm so over that kind of stuff. I just want it to be here already and to be able to focus on something else. :laugh:
  • Yes a few things! 1. Starting the 21-Day Sugar Detox this coming Sunday. I'm nervous! But I really need a kick in the butt with my sugar/carb addiction so fingers crossed that it works for me. My fiancé is doing it with me, thankfully. I hope that makes it easier. Here's the website if anyone is interested in learning…