I just finished this book and it was enlightening. As you did, I also saw myslef in the pages of this book. I always wondered why just knowing that that cookie or bag of chips was in the kitchen was enough to drive me crazy until I would finally cave and go grab it and eat it even though I was not hungry. I just had to…
Our household has been off of satelite/cable as well, for about 3 years. Though I do miss the convience, like you, I know I would be dragged into doing nothing but sitting and watching. As another poster suggested, we watch a couple of our favorite shows the following day through our computer. (Our monitor is a 19" flat…
Thanks for the info and advice. I've already outlawed many "irritating" foods. I drink 1 cup of coffee (5:30am is way to early for me) but nothing but water the rest of the day and totally avoid fried anything. It sounds like it is just a process that I nedd to continue with to figure out what works for me. It's nice to…