

  • I totally get what you mean. There is a point in the weight loss, where I say, "hey look, I'm losing weight. I can give a little/or eat what I want." But it is like running a race. It is 90% mental. Those last few miles are all in your head. Don't give yourself an out, or an excuse. You know that you self-sabotage, so push…
  • Welcome aboard, I am new too. But hey we are here right! You got this, so dig your heels in and I know you will do great!
    in Hello Comment by meskel August 2011
  • Jenn152 is correct. Give it TIME. You have only been going for a week and a half. What are your goals? Are they realistic and attainable? Healthy weight loss is about ONE lb a week. If you eat too few calories (which the system shows you) you can put your body into starvation mode and not lose anything either. So it is all…
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