nose6 Member


  • Hello! I do yoga twice a week, at work. They bring in a teacher, and she's great. It took me a long time to get to do the poses correctly. However, once I finally began to get the hang of it, I found that I was so much more present in the moment and aware of what my body needs. It has made me stronger and more toned…
  • I had it before. The list above of foods to eat/avoid corresponds pretty well to my experience of what made it worse or better. I found myself craving Japanese foods. And when I ate them, I felt better. Well, not tempura, but things like rice and miso soup and fish and cooked spinach and root vegetables were great. A lot…
  • I know "poulet" is French for chicken, and I googled "arachide" and got peanut. Chicken in peanut sauce? Does that seem right? I found results for fasolia... white beans or green beans. Did you have either of those?
  • I'm familiar with budget shopping, and for you I'm also thinking about calcium since you can't have dairy. 1. Chicken with the bones in is usually less expensive than the boneless kind, and if you have the bones you can make chicken stock. It don't think this shows on MFP, but I read elsewhere that stocks made with bones…
  • 1/2 cup is a lot. Maybe switch to 1/4 cup? How are you eating them? When I eat walnuts, I usually add them to something else, like oatmeal or yogurt or salad.
  • You could try adding in yoga. The muscle tone you get from that is more lean and stretched, in my experience. I am not sure if it could replace weight training but it might help counteract the "bulky" effect.
  • When I was a kid, we used to negotiate with my parents for how many bites we had to try of something we didn't like much. I remember negotiating about peas. "Five bites! No! Four! No! Three! Fine!" Now I buy and eat peas. We were also allowed to have sauces with some sharp-flavored things like broccoli. I still do this…
  • OK, so you will consume: - Smoothies as long as they are actually smooth - Apples if they are peeled - You mentioned a salad with cheese. Is there also lettuce? - Pizza and pasta usually have tomato sauce so you seem to at least like the taste of tomato. Tomato soup can be smooth and can be low calorie and easy to find. So…