

  • I know everyone is different but for me it was hell. I took it for 2 yrs and after 6mo no TOM which was nice yes however it took me 6 yrs to get pregnant and an 80lb weight gain, along another 3 yr struggle to get my second kid and now I'm a yr into another struggle to get another kid. I am working my butt of to get the…
  • :smile: AMEN! I noticed as a mom of a 3 yr old and my baby who turns a year next month that stressing about every bite I take made me cheat more or think about food to the point of crazy snacking. Working out is key and so is eating healthy and staying sane! I loved your post and its always nice to know your not alone…
  • Thanks guys for all the ideas and help! And i stay away from alternative sugars since I cant stand them lol I'm excited to try all these ideas and try so hard with my will power its so hard to be good
  • I'm in I would love to be down 30 pounds by then or even 20 but this weight has gotta come off and I need any help i can get to keep me on track
  • I havn't found one that I dont like yet! Great for diets too :)