

  • I've experienced the same thing. It's a combination of feeling more confident and sexy, having more energy, hormones in proper balance, and I also discovered that my multivitamins are high in manganese which is apparently an important ingredient in sex hormones. Besides wanting it more often, the quality has greatly…
  • First: Whitesnake in 1989 with Steve Vai Last: Robin Trower in 2009
  • Wow, what a first concert. Which one did you see, 82 or 83?
  • I've been working on this myself, and I agree it is VERY easy to go over on the sodium. It's in almost everything and unless you really pay attention to labels it creeps up on you. Here are a few things I've done to help reduce it, a few rules I've made for myself: Fresh or frozen vegetables instead of canned. Canned…
  • I've have loose knee caps and chondramalatia in both knees. At age 10 I hyper-extended my left knee and tore the cartilage. I've been to physical therapy multiple times in the last 20 years, taken prescription anti-inflammatories, was told by one doctor that it would only be resolved by surgery (which I declined) and told…
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