

  • Love this! Really sound, logical advice - it's a simple mathematical calculation, just burn more calories than you're putting in and you'll lose weight. I'm starting on my "proper" weight loss journey today, having piled on weight over the last 3 months. I know why I've put weight on, but that doesn't make it easier to…
  • I can't imagine anyone could maintain a 700 cal / day diet for more than a few days anyway. I'd be eating the dog by then!!! IMO, it's people after a "quick fix" that look for the positives in that kind of statement. Why have people lost sight of the fact that it's months/years of overeating that have got you (us) into the…
  • Apologies if this has already been said, but I can't help noticing that you've used a hell of a lot of red meat in the planner. Protein is good - but you're not really supposed to have more than 1 or 2 portions a week. Thanks for taking the time to add the menu though - it's a big help :o)