

  • I know the feeling. I've lost over 100 pounds and a lot of the time I look in the mirror and still see that heavy woman that I've known most of my life. I find myself still grabbing that size 26 instead of size 12 when I shop. I still check the weight limit on folding chairs and the like. I don't think my mind has caught…
  • I typically go all nerdy on people like that. "Actually, brussel sprouts come off of a stalk. One stalk produces a bunch of these little guys. What you are thinking is a root is the part where the bud connects to that stalk (hold up a sprout speared on your fork and point it out). Did you know that brussel sprouts are a…
  • I in no way claim that the FDA makes sense. ;) Though as a leek is not on the list it is either illegal here or not considered a food additive. Note to self: Check on the legalities of harboring illegal produce.
  • I had a recent test to find out if I have candida or sibo. I get the results back the week after next and I'm not looking forward to it. That diet doesn't look pleasant for long term at all. On the other hand if it comes back positive and I change my diet and finally get my life back and get to stop testing for things like…
  • I actually started this when I did find out I was allergic to things and had to start really paying attention to the ingredients. That close scrutiny made me question whether I wanted to or needed to eat those foods. Then after having to do an elimination diet where I was required to eat from only a few dozen foods for a…
  • How about you let John's Hopkins Center explain it to you then... What you are looking for is the minimally processed portion. If you actually talk to people who try this lifestyle they are mostly…
  • I'm really starting to think that perhaps people are jumping to the conclusion that *all* people who choose to eat in a different way, like choosing less processed or unprocessed options to eating less or eliminating sugar, are somehow trying to assert that they are superior in some way or all knowing or even judging of…
  • "Processed foods are any foods altered from it's natural state. However, when people speak of limiting or cutting out processed foods they are usually speaking about a narrower definition. In these instances people are speaking of foods that are chemically altered through additives, artificial colors, preservatives,…
  • That is based on your history and perception. I don't really believe any food is bad, but there are still things that don't fit into my life. As I've never thought of food as bad I wouldn't have come to that conclusion. I based my choice to eat this way on the fact I don't think I need to be eating all that extra stuff.…
  • Then that is their prerogative. Just as it is yours to eat as you wish. The point I'm hoping to make is that trying to limit or avoid processed foods isn't as extreme as people think. It is not all or nothing and it isn't for everybody. It is one option in the vast world of food choices everyone has. I find that you have…
  • Processed foods are any foods altered from it's natural state. However, when people speak of limiting or cutting out processed foods they are usually speaking about a narrower definition. In these instances people are speaking of foods that are chemically altered through additives, artificial colors, preservatives,…
  • Hydroxyethylrutosides are a semi synthetic flavinoid that is derived from plants. It isn't found in food unless it is put in the food. It is derived from Rutin which is the naturally occurring flavinoid. It is an anti-inflammatory. It is sometimes used in patients with venous diseases or disorders that range from varicose…
  • I choose it to use for the health benefits. I figure if I'm going to use oil I should at least choose one with the best bang for the nutritional buck so to speak. It also works great and tastes good so it is a winner. As it is a solid it can be used in even more food applications than other oils. Used in recipes where it…
  • It really is going to depend on your body. It does seem that those with central obesity do better when being careful with the sugar and other carbs. I know that helped me a great deal. However, I don't have any trouble with the sugar in fruit. I can eat any fruit of any kind with no problems. Refined sugar, the white, the…
    in Sugar Comment by Scrimples February 2013
  • These are my personal list of no-no's that work for me and sort of apply to your list. Everyone is bound to be different, but with metabolic disorders and endocrine disorders people tend to do better with watching their sugar and starch intake and overall cutting out a lot of the good stuff that others can more easily…
  • So here is how it works. Your Pituitary Gland, an endocrine gland located next to the brain, controls how this all works. When you body senses stress or danger it releases a hormone called Adrenocorticotropic or ACTH. ACTH in turn tells the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys and also an endocrine gland, releases…
  • I want my legs to be like they were. Hard muscle with defined calves and quads. Oh and I love my collar bones and cheek bones when I'm thin, I'm not sure why those strike me as favorites, but they do. I wish I could have a butt. I've never had any. Even when I was 80 pounds heavier. I've now lost so much of it I have tail…
  • Over protein isn't bad as long as that isn't all you are taking in. If you are eating nearly nothing except meat, eggs, cheese, and no veggies or fruit you might want to rethink that. Even on low carb high protein diets they want you to still eat veggies. In fact, that is typically where you do get the carbs you eat on a…
  • Exactly this! You can be big boned/framed when you're fat and small boned/framed and fat. You can be big boned/framed and thin and small boned/framed and thin. All it changes is the size needed for clothing and, of course, you need to account for that in you goal weight. It isn't healthy or wise for someone with a large…
  • I use them to top lean hamburger patties. You can also substitute mayo in a lot of things with avocado. Some people even use them in deserts like pudding since they are so creamy. I've not done that, but I've seen recipes and people swear that their chocolate pudding doesn't taste like avocado. I'm apt to believe them…
  • You can freeze some for later eating if you can't get through them right away. You could also grind them and you then you have almond flour to make lots of yummy treats with. You have to be sort of careful so you don't get almond butter, but then again almond butter is great too. Almond butter on apple slices. Yum. You can…
  • I set mine according to doctor's orders. Working great for me. :)
  • I agree with you OP, but I also want to point out that there are people with medical issues that this doesn't apply to. For most people your post is spot on. I just hope that nobody believes that this is entirely a black and white issue. Eating disorders are real, as I'm sure everyone already realizes, but they aren't all…
  • Per doctor's orders I weigh daily, in the morning after rising and using the bathroom, without clothing. I have to log that number and bring that and my food chart with calories to my weekly appointment. I am also weighed and measured weekly at her office. I even have to take my scale with me when I travel.
  • I was just lamenting about this today. With my large frame and my goal weight adjusted accordingly due to that I still will sit in the overweight category on the BMI chart. I know logically not to worry about it, but it screws with my mind a bit. When I was a teen my doctor did some measurements with some pretty neat…
  • I'm 35, 2 kids, 84 pounds down, going from 279-165, and LOVING this. You give me hope that once I get there my belly won't necessarily be as saggy as I fear with excess skin hanging down to my knees. Did you have nasty stretch marks below the belly button? Baby belly and large and rapid weight gains due to medical issues…
  • Absolutely. I don't crave things like I used to and I especially don't have that unrelenting hunger.
  • I'm intolerant of gluten, possible celiac so I've been told. Bloating was a big symptom for me when I ate gluten. I was bloated 24/7 and didn't even realize it until I wasn't bloated after going gluten free. In fact, I thought I was bloated often, but really I was so desensitized to the bloat that when I did note the bloat…