gingerjager Member


  • I would like to lose 3-5 lbs but I also want to be more muscular and have more energy. Also my fitness goal is to run a faster 5k.
    in Goals.. Comment by gingerjager July 2015
  • I'm due December 6 with my 4th. Hadn't been using this site much lately---after my third I wanted to lose that last 8-10 and this site helped. Now I'm 9 weeks and already gained 3 back! I look about 4 months pg! I know I'm not eating right because I'm so sick, have no interest in cooking and end up eating crap. I've had…
  • Hi everyone! I've run off and on since my 20s but a year ago decided to really make an effort. I've done about 7 5ks in that time and 2 8ks. I'm not best times were about 8:30 miles. But I felt good. A littleness frequently in winter but also taking cycling classes. (I'm 36 years old). I'm 9 weeks today. Have run…