

  • I understand the desire to weigh in daily. Unfortunately, the human body fluctuates weight through normal activity, eating times, rest/activity cycles, and all the other cycles that you may go through. It is normal and healthy for your body to hold onto water during certain times of the day/month. For me, I just began…
  • Breads in general seem to be a bane of my existence. I LOVE breads of all kinds, but I simply cannot afford all the sodium that it brings along. I was in the supermarket yesterday and spent some time reading the bread labels. I was astonished to find Sara Lee's Whole Grain White bread was HANDS DOWN healthier than any of…
  • Okay, before anybody thinks Im a creepy old man, let me say that I am coming at this from a 'father-like' perspective. I have a daughter who is in the same situation that you were in when you started getting fit. She has begun this program as well, and is already seeing changes. You should be absolutely PROUD of yourself…