I would purchase property somewhere in Europe and invest in my business. :heart: (of course this money is tax free, right?)
I'm so excited! This is my first challenge. YAY! I input my stats on the Google doc. I just purchased the Polar FT60 on its on the way.
Perhaps you are looking at this in the wrong manner. You should be grateful that other people did reply and not worry about the others who didnt. Maybe they had the same question, or didnt have an answer.
Welcome to MFP. I also have 100+ pounds to lose. You have come to a wonderful site. I'm newish here as well and love it.
Im new to MFP and would like to join this challenge. How exciting! I will put my stats in later this evening. :happy:
WOW! You look amazing. Good for you on this journey. I hope that in 9 months from now I say the same. Keep up the great work!!!!!