Saxgal137 Member


  • I tend to be hungry no matter what. There are a lot of good suggestions here though. I just don't understand why if I eat 1/3 Cup of oatmeal with 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, some fruit and coffee for breakfast ( I need the 2T of Peanutbutter or else I cant make it to lunch) , then a salad with olive oil for fat and…
  • Ive tried most of these, maybe skipping breakfast will help me hold over after lunch. Tea just makes me hungrier amd so does anything not containing protien and fat
  • Fiber alone doesnt do much for me, it goes right through my system and I am hungry again an hour later. I think I made my diary public, I have been tracking on and off because I have been experimenting with a few things but feel free to take a look. Let me know if you guys have any questions =)
  • Maybe i do need to focus on fat more in the afternoon. I need 2 tbsp of nut butter or 2 eggs in the am to keep me full till lunch. Thanks!