Shadious Member


  • When i was in High School, we were doing Max Outs on Bench press, and I was the biggest guy in the class so I drew a crowd. I had 350 on the bar and brought it down to bm chest, when I tilted it to bring it back up, all the weights slid off the left side, and the shot me and the bar off the right side of the bench. Someone…
  • It really just sounds like you have a cold. A change in eating habits can lower your immune system, as does hard exercise, especially outdoors. Nose bleeds can also be explained by a change in eating habits, as well as dry air, and heavy nasal breathing. I think you are good. Take some vitamin C, iron tablets, or a…
  • My understanding of this is that you need to EAT 1200 calories per day, but you can burn off any amount, and its the difference that matters. So if you ate 1400 calories that day, but worked out and burned 400 calories, your calorie balance is 1000, and you're still under your goal.