

  • I'm in North Brunswick, near Rutgers. Displaced Southern Jerseyan (Jerseyian? Jersey-an?) Moved up here 14 years ago after I got married. You look great and really have done an amazing job, Sto! Congrats on training for your half. I swear I'm gonna run a half every April when the weather is great for running. Then by June,…
  • Alf--No I NEED to weigh myself every day...that way my head is not in the sand like it's been most of summer, fall and now winter. I have def gained although I haven't gone up a size BUT my jeans are a little more snug than I'd like them to be. So I will give it 4 weeks, then weigh and go from there. I'm totally scared.…
  • Hi Cool Kids! I am 40 and sort of new here (logged on looong time ago, just never posted). I *think* I need to lose 15 lbs. I am scared to weigh myself. Used to weigh myself every day but stopped mid summer sometime and now I'm SCARED. LOL. My jeans are a bit tight and I know my stomach and legs and *kitten* are bigger.…
  • I'm newly 40 :D and decided to actually use MFP this time! Feel free to add me. I have no friends, I don't think. lol I have to lose 15 lbs, darnit