

  • Yes! thankyou, seriously. I never anticipated this amount of ignorance from what i posted. Granted its not an ideal diet but i certainly did not say i wasnt eating. Jesus i wish more people would see things the way you do! Thanks
  • Thanks for your reply, it was all helpful but this in particular is something i want to point out because CLEARLY the majority of people on this site just read things in black and white and don't even give a bit of time to consider something that seems a little bit controversial to what they think. At no point did i ever…
  • did i actually ask that though? or did i ask approximately how much weight i would lose? i think you will find it was the latter. And i did this in the hope to get some replies off people with experience of a low calorie diet, which thankfully i have. And lets be serious here, im not the only person that is resorting to a…
  • Thanks yeah, well to be perfectly honest i've been eating a lot healthier then i did when i was eating a 2000 calorie diet, as opposed to eating rubbish and processed food i've been actually cooking and eating chick peas, lentils, steamed vegetables etc, i am vegetarian anyway so my diet was always lacking certain things,…
  • Then maybe notice the reply i said about the first comment bein the only one i saw when i wrote that? actually blind. oh and "SMDH" really?? you're 33 please stop using these acronyms its a bit embarrassing.
  • Because i wasnt expecting replies that were bound with facts and figures, i was expecting answers that were from people who have done the same sort of thing. And thankfully, i have had some helpful answers from these people. I've also had answers advising me not to that i have listened to and have actually made me…
  • The reason i only replied to the first post is because that is the only one i thought i had when i was typing my reply. Of course im taking on board what people are saying but it is stuff that i have heard before.. and also i know where to draw the line. If i was getting sick or getting below my goal i wouldnt carry it on,…
  • oh my godddd seriously?! i need to get these pills. and well done thats amazing by the way! where did you get them from? oh and thanks for replying :)