The puppy!! too cute:)
Im IN! :) please and thank you
never even took drama or theatre as a class. sorry but not even close:)
pxpwop- 9, cute:)
@ christih4000 - 10 :D
i found tae bo on youtube! its broken up into 5 videos but just create a playlist and they will play one after another.…
My god, cleaning, and cooking are a PHYSICAL ACTIVITY , its takes PHYSICAL EFFORT to do.. therefore you are burning calories. You burn calories sitting and breathing and talking and typing also etc etc but with cleaning and cooking you burn MORE calories. so why not log it?? WHO SAYS CLEANING AND COOKING ARE THERE ONLY LOG…
im 140 and in a size 5 but at 145 i was in a size 7.. every 5 lbs you lose is 1 pants size down.
im in :) add me!