Helsybels Member


  • Just a thought but here in the UK I understand that Chinese food has MSG, monosodium glutamate added to it. Its a flavour enhancer which makes people feel like eating more. Apparently it also promotes the release of insulin and so you feel hungry again sooner than expected. This could be a factor. Some research links here…
  • Just started getting comments at 15lb down. I'm 5'4" and now only 5 lb to go to goal. I think they noticed partly because I had to buy some new, smaller clothes.
  • Hi, I started to really make the effort in April with 20lbs to lose. I have now lost 14 and improved my fitness level too. I log every day and exercise 2-3 times a week. For me being consistent really works and I do think losing has been harder in my forties than it was in my twenties, perhaps its all the other pressures…
  • Hi all, get well soon all of you who are sick! Been to the gym tonight and now I feel so good! Tired but happy and positive. Got a compliment on the depth of my squat from one of the really fit blokes too! So that was nice. Have a great Friday all. Hx
  • Alf, thanks for replying to me! You are amazing, keeping on trucking and back in the old jeans. I don't have the medical issues like you, I had an issue when I started to exercise again with no power in my right hip and pain in my neck from an old injury. Luckily all soft tissue stuff and largely posture-related. He used…
  • Shock absorber! Best I've found. (I'm a 34F)
  • Hi, I want to join in! I'm 42,mother of one 3 year old, I work at a desk all day. I was fit as a kid, gymnastics, then did some climbing and mountain-biking over the years but weight always a bit over where I really wanted. Anyway, when I got pregnant and after having Zak I stopped really doing any exercise. I was feeling…
  • Hi, you can get rid of warts and verrucas with this stuff too! I had several, one for 15 years, tried everything else including freezing but nothing worked. One month of applying cider vinegar to one oft them ach night and they all went.