

  • We were together for 1.5 years. We started the break up conversation on Wednesday, but didn't actually end it until Friday and then I spent the next few days in complete disrepair. Thanks for telling me your story. It really does help me, and Ensure and Boost are GREAT ideas. I need to go to the grocery store tonight. My…
  • Also know that if you don't log in for a few days (heaven forbid you go on vacation or worse, try something new, people on here will delete you from their friends list without even first sending a message to see if you're ok, need motivation or support. They'll just delete you and that will be that. Feel free to add me.…
  • Good job! You're looking great! Keep up the good work!!! :drinker:
  • Woops! Left out the web site!
  • ^ Haha! Guys are SO LUCKY! Well, congratulations on your progress! 12 lbs is a huge success! Thank you for saying I look tighter. I think there WAS improvement, it was just a LOT smaller than what my bf saw. It's super discouraging but I'm not giving up! Something has to give eventually...right? haha Also, a good tip…
  • This is a good idea! I had a latte this weekend with no sugar or flavoring what-so-ever this weekend and it was REALLY good! I think I could definitely make this a new change and see what happens. Def trying this, starting today :-)
  • Oh yeah. We've been doing the calorie-counting thing and eating clean and training for a marathon. I work out twice a day sometimes! We've been working on losing weight since April. This was an experiment to sort of see what we were doing that would be holding us back. This wasn't it for me, so I still have a LONG road…
  • Thanks! You're not so bad yourself :bigsmile:
  • Wow, good for you!!!!
  • Haha weird! I guess everyone has a doppleganger, right? Agree about the lighting. In the first pic it was taken mid-day in natural light, and the second was taken in the evening with all the house lights on. Could be why we look so tan too, though I will say we were out in the sun A LOT over those 30 alcohol free days.…
  • Really?! I don't see it, but thank you for saying that! I've been sitting here BUMMED that I've made NO progress over the last 30 days :-/
  • Totally agree. He lost 6.5 lbs in 30 days!!! So obnoxious because I'm a lot more disciplined than him, haha!
  • Haha true story!
  • To be fair, when I drink it's usually vodka martinis or wine, and when he drinks it's usually beer. So I think because beer is LOADED with calories and carbs, that's why he saw such a difference. Also, being a dude helps tremendously. haha!
  • Hrm, One of my pics didn't show up. Let me try again...
  • Um, this is the best one BY FAR hahaha
  • Just have a couple of spoonfulls of cottage cheese! Loaded with protein, a few spoonfulls won't break your calorie budget too much, and cottage cheese makes you feel fuller longer. Just try that and I'll bet you see a difference. Also, you don't want to starve our body too much, it will start eating muscle before it starts…
  • This is great advice too! Another thing to consider is getting your carbs strictly from veggies. You can eat more of them than breads and pastas and they do a better job of filling you up for a longer period of time. Also, try to eat every 3-4 hours. It keeps your metabolism working non-stop throughout the day. Just be…
  • I'm going through the same thing right now. I work out like a mad woman, but i'm still SO FLABBY. I'm 5 days in to laying off the alcohol for 30 days. I've been told that not drinking for a while will help your body focus on those stubborn fat deposits and allow it to burn it off while you work out. So that's my current…
  • Try laying of the alcohol for 30 days. Alcohol makes it hard for the body to metabolize fat. It processes the alcohol (and sugars and carbs) in your beverage before anything else in your body because the body views alcohol as a toxin and wants to get it to the liver ASAP to filter it out. When it does that, it just goes…
  • I'm below average in both and most like Pakistan haha.
  • My nutritionist tells me it's a cheat MEAL, as opposed to a cheat DAY. You don't want to spend an entire day eating poorly but one cheat MEAL a week is good for you. I agree with everything else you've said though. All very good advice.
    in Help!! Comment by Beatrix0810 June 2012
  • Eat CLEAN (not less), eat MORE OFTEN (not less often) and try to do something every day (even if it's just a walk). You should be eating every three to four hours (six small meals) plus a protein rich snack after working out. Try to get your carbs from fruits and veggies, get your protein from meats (or a protein shake…
    in Help!! Comment by Beatrix0810 June 2012
  • Economics and French with a minor in International business! It was a good choice for me only because it only required an additional semester of school to get it. I almost never use French, except when I travel to Canada for work. More education is never a bad thing, and when looking for a job in a depressed economy…
  • Well that's just it! You don't have to eat the same thing every day. It's more about understanding the ratios of Protein to Carbs to fats. If you understand what these are, you'll always be able to switch it up! I'll look for the list the nutritionist gave me that breaks it down and post it on here :-) I hope you find what…
  • Thanks for the info (and good point)!
  • Yep! And lost one pound of fat! It's almost time for me to weigh in again!
  • The BEST bedtime snack is cottage cheese. Tons of protein and a good amount of fat and it will typically keep you full all night so you're not starving when you wake up. Although, no matter how good I am at staying on track, I'm always hungry when I wake up, haha. I also sometimes do a shake of Vanilla Greek Yogurt and…